Profold supplies and folds sheet metal on our automated folder, we stock Colorsteel, Aluminium up to 2.0mm thick, Galvanised steel up to 1.2mm, Stainless Steel, Copper, VM Zinc and Prefa prepainted aluminium.
Locally we fold Colorsteel flashings for the construction market, including roofing and metal wall cladding.
We offer custom architectural cladding solutions. We roll form 25mm angle seam roofing & fold a range of custom products including rhomboid panels and negative detail wall cladding.
We manufacture welded aluminium flashings custom made for complex junctions.

We provide complimentary quotations for your roofing and cladding material requirements.

Our automated folder is designed to manage large volume orders. It has the capability to efficiently fold sheet metal up to 6.4 meters in length.

We provide nationwide distribution of metal cladding, flashings and associated materials.

Our Products

The Power of our Process
Our primary commitment lies in the delivery of the highest quality products, coupled with the capability to efficiently handle large volume orders.
We can work with you to optimise the design of components to enable the manufacture in automation mode and therefore speed up production of high volume runs which in turn reduces cost.
We can custom manufacturer any flat sheet metal components in thicknesses up to 1.2mm Galvanised and 2.0mm Aluminium, for complex elements, even replicate old trapezoidal products up to 6.4m long or develop completely new products.
Call us with your specific requirements and we will endeavour to find a solution.